City of Hawaiian Gardens - New Business Registration Application
What you need to know to get started:
1. Business registrations are renewed on an annual basis and expire on December 31st of each year.
2. The business start date is the first date your business started operating in the City of Hawaiian Gardens.
3. For In-City businesses, you will need to attach all of the required supplemental forms, completed, for your type of business.
Please call for your required licenses.
4. Employee identification numbers are required for all new businesses. Sole owner or partnerships are
required to provide Social Security number for all owners/partners. LLC, Limited Partnership, Trust or
Corporations are required to provide a Federal Employee Identification Number (FEIN)
or State Employee Identification Number (SEIN) for the business.
5. No payment will be required until your application has been reviewed and accepted. You will receive
an email verifying the receipt of application. You will receive an email containing the amount due and instructions on how to make payment online.
Once the online application process has started, you cannot save your work, you must complete all the steps or start over.
6. Please allow 5-10 business days to process your business license application. The City will contact you if any additional information is required.
In-City businesses will require zoning and building clearances.
7. No payment will be required until your application has been reviewed and accepted. You will receive an email verifying the receipt of application.
Then you will receive an email containing the amount due and instructions on how to make a payment online. Once the application process has started, you cannot save your work.
Therefore, you must complete all the steps or start over.
The City of Hawaiian Gardens would like to welcome you to its business community.
We know that starting a new business can be exciting and challenging.
We wish you the greatest success in your new venture!
If you need any assistance with the application process, please call (562) 420-2641 ext. 222 or email to contact a customer service representative.
Assembly Bill 3002 went into effect on January 1, 2019, which provides information regarding disability access requirements and resources to business
owners. To read the full notice in English or other languages click HERE. .
Per AB 2184, you may protect your residential address by providing a different Service of Process address in accordance with Sections 16000.1(a)(2) and
16100.1(a)(2) of the Business and Professions Code. To do so, please Apply in person - you may not apply online